You have selected to demonstrate current month's data for the weather station of in the region of . Data may be incomplete. Always refer to the station's owner to retrieve quality assessed data for this station.
You have selected to demonstrate climatological data for the weather station of in the region of .
Data exists for the period 10/2023 - 10/2023 but is not necessarily exhaustive. Always refer to the station's owner for all available reliable data.

Month Days in sample Tavg Tmin Max. Tmin Avg. Tmin Min. Tmax Avg. Tmax Tmax Days with Tmax≥30ºC Days with Tmax≥37ºC Days with Tmax≥40ºC Frost days Ice days Precipitation

As is the case for the table above, read the graphs below with caution! Not necessarily exhaustive data is available. Refer to the owners/adminsitrators of the weather station for the most reliable data and to the disclaimer at the bottom of the page.

Climate chart for the weather station of .
Climate classification
The amount of available data is for less than five years; hence, no assumptions are presented for Köppen climate classification for the area this station represents.
The hottest month of the year is warmer than the coldest one by 0°C.

Hardiness zone
The amount of available data is for less than five years; hence, no assumptions are presented for hardiness zone for the area this station represents.

General air temperature stats
Highest recorded temperature: 22.50°C (25/10/2023).
Lowest recorded temperature: 3.20°C (31/10/2023).
The absolute temperature range is 19.3°C.

The five coldest months recorded were:
10/2023 with an average temperature of 12.21°C (31 days of available data for the month).

The five hottest months recorded were:
10/2023 with an average temperature of 12.21°C (31 days of available data for the month).

On average, maximum daily temperatures do not reach 30 degrees Celsius at any point in the year.
On average, minimum daily temperatures do not reach 20 degrees Celsius at any point in the year.

No tropical days have been recorded yet.
No days with maximum temperatures above 37°C have been recorded at this station yet.
No days with maximum temperatures above 40°C have been recorded at this station yet.

No days with temperature minima of at least 25°C have been recorded at this station.
No days with temperature minima of at least 30°C have been recorded at this station.

Air frost stats
No air frost has been recorded at this station yet.

Precipitation stats
The five wettest months recorded were:
10/2023 with 13.8 mm of precipitation (31 days of available data for the month).

The wettest day (00:00-23:59) on record was 17/10/2023 with 13.6 mm of precipitation.
The longest period with no recorded precipitation lasted 16 days and its last day was on 16/10/2023.

The coldest Easter Sunday on record was on //; temperatures ranged between ° and °C.
The warmest Easter Sunday on record was on //; temperatures ranged between ° and °C.
Precipitation has been recorded on 0 of 0 Good Fridays on record.

The coldest Christmas morning on record was that of , when °C were recorded.
The mildest Christmas afternoon on record was that of with up to °C.

Disclaimer: All data presented here must be used with caution and cannot be used for any extrapolation regarding the climate of the region or for the protection of life, property or goods. Deviations from actual data are possible, as observations are acquired and updated automatically. Data for stations of the National Observatory of Athens derives from; data for the historic station of the National Observatory of Athens at Thiseio was obtained from here; data for the campus station of the National and Technical University of Athens in Zografou was obtained from here; data for these two stations is freely available under the CC-BY 4.0 licence. Data for HNMS stations derives from Klein Tank, A.M.G. et al, 2002. Daily dataset of 20th-century surface air temperature and precipitation series for the European Climate Assessment. Int. J. of Climatol., 22, 1441-1453. ACDG/HUA is not an operational data facility. No warranties are expressed or implied regarding the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information provided or linked to in the meteoclima web portal. Users are cautioned to consider the provisional nature of the product before using it for decision making. The user assumes the entire risk related to use of the data or any information provided by this site. ACDG/HUA disclaim liability of any kind whatsoever, including, without limitation, liability for quality, performance, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will ACDG/HUA be liable to you or to any third party for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special exemplary damages or lost profit resulting from any use or misuse of the data or any information presented or linked to in the web portal. ACDG/HUA reserves the right to suspend or discontinue this web portal, or portions thereof, at any time. All data belongs to each weather station's administrator/owner and are acquired only through freely available information online. Always contact the stations' owners and/or administrators before referencing or otherwise using the data.